Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy
More than pregnancy massage.
Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy is something more than Pregnancy Massage.
Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy can relieve pain and discomfort much quicker than just pregnancy massage.
Treatment includes pregnancy massage, pregnancy reflexology, osteopathic joint mobilisation, Dorn Method, kinesiotaping, and Bowen therapy.
This integration of different method helps improve and restore posture, balance, pelvic girdle alignment and resolve other skeletal problems.
Pregnancy & Post-natal Therapy helps to stimulate the tissues to reduce the retention of fluids in swollen joints, helping to reduce joint and back pain, muscle tension and sciatica, stress and anxiety.
* Please note that you must be in the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy before having this type of massage or written letter from your GP.

Lack of or irregular periods
Heavy or painful periods
Hormonal imbalances
PCOS (Poly cystic ovarian syndrome)
History of miscarriage
Nausea, morning sickness & Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Pelvic girdle pain (formerly known as symphysis pubis pain)
Digestive problems – constipation, heartburn, etc
High blood pressure
Oedema – water retention, swollen hands & feet
Backache & sciatica
Symphysis pubis pain
Insomnia & sleep problems
Inadequate milk supply
Engorged breasts
Water retention
Sleep problems
Lack of energy
Hormonal imbalance
Post-natal depression